FML – IP67
Step By Step Self Installation Guide
Tool Requirements
- Phillips Screw Driver
- Prying Tool or Flat head screw driver can work (required for interior Knee panel)
- Crimping Tool or Pliers
- Plastic Tie Wraps
- Wire Crimps or Wire Nuts
- Wire cutter
Step 1
Locate Knee panel under steering wheel as shown on the picture below. You will need either a screw driver and or the prying tool, Please note that not all vehicle panels have screws, some may have pressure clips holding it in place so proceed with caution. If you are having difficulty removing the panel Please google search your make and model vehicle for a tutorial of panel removal.
Step 2
Once knee panel is removed you need to locate your vehicles constant power wire (12+) and vehicles Ignition wire. Please go to the following site and search for your make and model vehicle.
Step 3
Once those 2 wires are located you will need your wire cuter to cut into them or splice them to tap into the power and ignition source.
Step 4
For your constant power wire you will use the unit RED wire, now you will need your wire crimps or wire nuts and or your crimping tool or pliers to secure the connection.
Step 5
For your ignition source you will use the unit YELLOW wire, now you will need your wire crimps or wire nuts and or your crimping tool or pliers to secure the connection.
Step 6
The final wire that you would have to use to complete the wiring portion of this installation is your Ground wire which is BLUE, this ground can be installed anywhere on your vehicle that has bare metal.
Step 7
You’re almost done congrats, now it’s the clean up portion of the installation. This is essential that all wires and unit are tie wrapped securely so it does not come out of place. The unit will have a label showing which way it will need to face to receive optimum signal for tracking your vehicles.
Now that the Installation of your AMS unit is complete please call AMS on 1-855-267-8725 to troubleshoot the device and make sure everything is working properly before use. Thank you for purchasing from AMS