Why AMS ?
At AMS we provide high quality Fleet manager tracking system at a market-leading price, making it very cost effective for your business. AMS Fleet Manger provides live monitoring of your vehicles enabling you to improve your driver’s behavior, customer service and overall performance of your fleet.
AMS is a privately owned business allowing us to be agile and provide the most up to date products. We have developed AMS Fleet Manager system in house so we can design a custom package for each of our clients’ needs; this also reduces the costs of our engineering by 20%, which is cheaper than any of our competitors.
We provide BT with their telemetry requirements and use multi network roaming SIM cards ensuring the best coverage wherever your mobile assets are in the UK for real time information.
AMS offer unparalleled customer service, industry expertise and knowledge all at competitive rates. With 24/7 operational health checks and reporting, easy flexible contracts and payment options and the ability to employ any combination of functions to suit your exact requirements – you will not be disappointed with Asset MS Fleet Manager.
Why not ask for live demo of our AMS Fleet Manager system today? – Call us at: 1-855-265-6645
What is AMS Fleet Manager?
AMS Fleet Manager is a sophisticated asset tracking solution that provides you with operational efficiency, the ability to understand and improve driver behavior and deliver improved customer service. With AMS Fleet Manager you can monitor all of your mobile assets and the drivers behind the wheel. Tracking location, date, time, speed, direction and status information globally.
Asset Location – Operational Improvements Across Your Business
Maximizing Operational Efficiency is the corner stone to any fleet based business. With AMS Fleet Manager, tracking driver performance and vehicle usage in real time is easy, saving you time and money. The Fleet Manager Dashboard can report when staff are using your assets outside of your authorization and alert you instantly by SMS or email.
Driver Behavior – Improved Driver Awareness and Performance
As a business owner you have to trust in your drivers every day. But do you fully know what they are doing behind the wheel and could you be making changes that would improve their driving performance?
AMS Fleet Manager can help you identify and eradicate bad driver habits with the Driver ID bolt on, which allows you to identify who is using the asset. The Fleet Manager as standard has multiple functions and additions include: PTO, Temperature probe, analogue input,1 wire technology and bespoke data collection Apps such as job dispatch via Android and IOS further enriching the platform.
Our system enables you to use this data to help train drivers and increase their awareness that poor performance affects the business. Effectively training your drivers to be more aware of potential bad driver habits will help improve your operations, overall performance and customer service and help reduce your insurance.
AMS offer unparalleled customer service, industry expertise and knowledge all at competitive rates.
With 24/7 operational health checks and reporting, easy flexible contracts and payment options and the ability to employ any combination of functions to suite your exact requirements – you will not be disappointed with Asset MS Fleet Manager.
Give us a call today to discuss your requirements: 1-855-265-6645